
Home Style Saturday 442

Southern Hospitality 3/7 11:00P Rhoda
Spring is just around the corner for those of us in the south and I couldn't be happier. I love when the weather warms up and we can get outside and enjoy the sunshine. Today on Home Style Saturday,...

A “groovy” retro sweets shop opens in Dunwoody

Atlanta Magazine 3/6 10:49P Carly Cooper
The I Like Coconuts Fizzy is made with Diet Coke, coconut, sugar-free coconut syrup, and cream. Hospitality veteran and founder of Funwoody in Dunwoody Village, David Abes launched his latest venture...

Mothers Best Fried Chicken rules the roost in Decatur

Atlanta Magazine 3/5 2:00A Joe Reisigl
Soon after co-owners Ean Camperlengo and Ross Winecoff opened Mothers Best Fried Chicken last December, they were slammed, with lines out the door to Church Street. In a struggling restaurant world...

Why I Love to Decorate with Vintage & Antiques

Southern Hospitality 3/1 11:00P Rhoda
Why I love collecting vintage antique furniture and collectibles.  If you've been reading my blog for long, you know that I dearly love to shop secondhand for vintage and older pieces of furniture....

Home Style Saturday 441

Southern Hospitality 2/28 11:00P Rhoda
It's officially March and in my mind, it's spring month! Enjoy these fun spring shares we have today on Home Style Saturday, from 4 free spring printables to using soft color for a tranquil home, all...

Style Showcase 281

Southern Hospitality 2/24 11:00P Rhoda
Hello friends, welcome to another Style Showcase, your weekly inspiration from a team of talented bloggers. Today we have 6 ways to modernize your home, spring flower arrangements, 6 front door spring...

What is Color Drenching?

Southern Hospitality 2/22 11:00P Rhoda
Let's talk about color drenching, a paint treatment that's been trending for a couple of years. What is color drenching? Here are the basics:  Color drenching is a bold design trend that focuses on...

Home Style Saturday 440

Southern Hospitality 2/21 11:00P Rhoda
Hi friends, it's been a pretty quiet and introspective week for me as we move past losing dad. The death of a parent is something that affects us all at and it's not an easy one. Today on Home Style...
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